Updated SMS Parameters

Toll-Free Number Verification Now Required to Send SMS Messages: Toll-free numbers must now be verified before sending SMS messages on FreeClimb API. We've added additional details to the FreeClimb Numbers dashboard page that indicate whether a toll-free or long code number is SMS verified.

Updated Available Phone Number API

Updated Available Phone Number API: Improvements have been made to the way FreeClimb API users can search for available phone numbers to purchase using the /AvailablePhoneNumbers end point. When users now query for available FreeClimb phone numbers, local (DID) numbers will be returned by default. For toll-free numbers, users should add the capabilities.tollFree=true parameter. To search for all available phone numbers, the following query should be used:

Enhanced Usage Page Filtering

Enhanced Usage Page Filtering: Users can now filter metrics on their FreeClimb Dashboard’s Usage Page by week, month, year, or a custom date range to view metrics within a specific timeframe.

Updated Trial Account Parameter

Updated Trial Account Parameter: Users with a FreeClimb trial account can now only receive inbound SMS messages to FreeClimb verified numbers. Users with a paid FreeClimb account will not be affected.

New Audio Error Message

New Audio Error Message: If an error occurs during a call made on a FreeClimb number, the end-user will now hear an audio message saying "Technical Difficulties" before the call ends.

Audio Transcription Support

Audio Transcription: Users can now utilize the TranscribeUtterance command to transcribe a caller’s voice and return the audio transcription with a recording of the call. Visit the TranscribeUtterance reference page for more information.

10DLC Number Management Support

10DLC Number Management: Users can now link 10DLC-enabled phone numbers or Off-Net numbers to registered 10DLC campaigns in their FreeClimb dashboard.

List Calls by Application ID Support

List Calls by Application ID: Users can now filter phone calls made to and from a specified account by accountID, sorted by date created, newest to oldest. Visit the List Calls reference page for more information.

Business Email Address Requirement: A valid business email address is now required to create a new FreeClimb account, or when updating an existing account's email address. Users who previously created their FreeClimb account before this requirement may continue to use their existing email address.

Shared 10DLC Campaign Support

Shared 10DLC Campaigns: Users with a paid FreeClimb account can now view 10DLC campaigns created within The Campaign Registry (TCR) in their FreeClimb dashboard. To share 10DLC campaigns with FreeClimb, select 'FreeClimb' as your Connectivity Partner under the 'Other Responsible Parties' section when creating the campaign within the TCR dashboard. Then, Contact Support with your shared campaign ID and FreeClimb account ID to complete the process.