Release Notes- October 7th, 2019


  • Added a new Conferences status called creating. This distinguishes the Conferences status from empty. Once the status changes to empty, users can take actions such as "add a participant". However, any request made during the creating state will receive an error message. Please refer to our Create a Conference documentation for more information.
  • Increased answering machine tone detection timeout from 15 to 25 seconds to allow for longer voicemail greetings. Read more about the machinedetected feature.


  • Fixed a conferenceStatus bug to indicate “empty" when the last Conference Participant is removed via an API request but the Conference has not been terminated.
  • Fixed a bug that intermittently resulted in a negative value for recordingDurationSec in the RecordUtterance callback.
  • Fixed some use cases where Recording metadata is absent when Callstatus information is posted to a registered application's StatusCallbackURL.