Release Notes - April 12th, 2021
almost 4 years ago by Support
Added support for API key rotation.
Bug fixes.
New Feature
- Support for API key Rotation. FreeClimb now supports two active API keys on your account, meaning you can safely swap your API key without any downtime. [Managing your API keys] ( is easy, allows you to maintain PCI DSS certification and HIPAA compliance, and can be done right from your [dashboard] (
- Previously named Auth Token has been changed to API key.
- New styling of the Sign-in page.
- Added [Error 80] ( to the Errors Dictionary.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing some users from logging in.
- Fixed a bug where users would incorrectly see an error in the logs when a [statusCallbackUrl] ( is not provided when using [createConference] (