Release Notes- February 5th, 2020


  • Trial accounts will no longer require a user billing address to get a phone number on FreeClimb.
  • Improved access to API keys by displaying them on the Dashboard Homepage with "Click to Copy" functionality.
  • Improved error message when user attempts to take action on a Conference that is not found.
  • Improvements made to reporting errors using error codes. See Error and Warning Dictionary .
  • Improved error message to indicate that the grammar file that the user has provided is not of a valid file format.
  • Changed the sensitivityLevel default setting from 0.2 to 0.5.
  • Changed all references of JavaScript and will now be called Node.js.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug to ensure that when ifMachine is set to hangupon a PerCL Outdial command, FreeClimb rejects the call and does not invoke ifMachineUrl. An error message will be returned when ifMachine is set to hangup and ifMachineUrl is specified.
  • Fixed "talk" and "listen " properties of setTalk and setListen to ensure that they are updated for a participant in a conference.
  • Fixed bug to ensure that the correct queue position of "1" is displayed for the first caller in the queue.
  • Fixed bug to ensure that correct currentQueueSize and averageQueueTime is reported when participants are in a queue.