Non-Consumer (A2P) SMS Messaging on FreeClimb
Learn about A2P SMS messaging with FreeClimb.
Before you begin
A2P SMS messaging requires a full FreeClimb account. Please ensure you've upgraded your account. If you're still using a trial account, you can upgrade your account on the Account > Upgrade section of your dashboard or by contacting FreeClimb Support.
What is Non-Consumer (A2P) SMS messaging
The CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industries Association) classifies any SMS messaging sent by a business, organization, or another entity - or an agent, representative, or other individual acting on behalf of a business, organization, or other entity as Non-Consumer. This type of SMS messaging is also known as A2P or Application to Person SMS messaging. Carriers consider all SMS traffic from an application to be A2P/Non-Consumer SMS messaging. By default, all production SMS traffic on FreeClimb is considered to be Non-Consumer. If you believe your use case is Consumer, also known as P2P (Person to Person), please reach out to FreeClimb Sales to discuss further. All Non-Consumer SMS messaging must be registered before messages can be sent.
Importance of registering Non-Consumer SMS messaging
SMS messaging is a trusted and increasingly preferred communication platform. SMS messaging is also an increasingly attractive platform to reach Consumers because of its broad adoption by Consumers and Consumers’ ability to retrieve messages when convenient and to store them as desired. Non-Consumer use case registration is a method used to maintain a dynamic wireless SMS messaging ecosystem while protecting Consumers from unwanted messages.
According to the CTIA, between 2015 and 2020, while the total volume of text messages roughly doubled, the number of unwanted text messages (spam) that wireless providers blocked grew ten times, from an estimated 1.4 billion in 2015 to 14 billion in 2020.
To protect Consumers from unwanted messages, service providers deploy filters and other tools that limit SMS messaging traffic bearing the characteristics of unwanted messages. At times, these filters may also negatively impact the delivery of wanted messages from Non-Consumers. Use-case registration helps to identify SMS messaging traffic as wanted Non-Consumer SMS messaging and avoid the impacts of filtering.
Prohibited use cases
Sending traffic which does not comply with the CTIA guidelines, drifts from your registered use case, includes prohibited content, or exceeds the approved limits at which you are allowed to send, may result in your messages being filtered, your use case registration being suspended, or your FreeClimb account being suspended. Prohibited content includes "S.H.A.F.T." use cases or content related to Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Vape/E-cigs.
Prohibited use cases include the following:
- "S.H.A.F.T." use cases or content related to Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Vape/E-cigs.
- 3rd-party mortgage lending
- 3rd-party insurance
- All personal loans (especially “Pay Day” loans)
- Camp Lejuene toxic water class action
- Credit repair
- Debt forgiveness
- Debt collection
- Gambling/Casino
- Loan/Debt consolidation
- Multi-level marketing/Pyramid schemes
- Malware, viruses, or other malicious content
- Tax refund loans
Please note
Parameters set forth for A2P messaging are continually changing in response to regulatory updates, technological advances, and changes in carrier policies and recommendations. A campaign that was approved in the past may not be approved now by the same review board (TCR [The Campaign Registry]/DCA [Direct Connect Aggregator] for 10DLC or Twilio/ZipWhip for TFNs).
Types of Non-Consumer registration
By default, all Non-Consumer SMS messaging on FreeClimb requires registration. The registration process will vary depending on the type of number you are using for SMS messaging.
Updated 4 months ago