
The AddToConference command allows a Call to add itself to a Conference. If the Call is already in a Conference, it must first be removed from that Conference before adding itself to another conference. The AddToConference command is terminal.

Nesting Rules

No actions can be nested within AddToConference and AddToConference cannot be nested in any other actions.


      "AddToConference" : {
         "conferenceId" : "CFf44c926f757059dea479b144947488e1f257be58"

Command Attributes

AddToConference supports the following attributes that modify its behavior:

conferenceIdID of the Conference to which to add the Participant (Call leg).
startConfOnEnterFlag that indicates whether a Conference starts upon entry of this particular Participant.
talkIf true, the Participant joins the Conference with talk privileges.
listenIf true, the Participant joins the Conference with listen privileges.
allowCallControlIf true, Call control will be enabled for this Participant's Call leg.
callControlSequenceDefines a sequence of digits that, when entered by this caller, invokes the callControlUrl.
callControlUrlURL to be invoked when this Participant enters the digit sequence defined in the callControlSequence attribute.
leaveConferenceUrlURL to be invoked when the Participant leaves the Conference. See below for additional details about which methods cause the leaveConferenceUrl to be invoked.
notificationUrlWhen the Participant enters the Conference, this URL will be invoked using an HTTP POST request with the standard request parameters.



Type: string

ID of the Conference to which to add the Participant (Call leg). Conference must exist or an error will result.



Type: boolean
Default: true

Flag that indicates whether a Conference starts upon entry of this particular Participant. This is usually set to true for moderators and false for all other Participants. Note that a Conference only starts (status=inProgress) when at least one Participant enters the Conference with this flag set to true. The statusCallbackUrl specified upon creating the Conference will be invoked upon the Conference status changing to inProgress.



Type: boolean
Default: true

If true, the Participant joins the Conference with talk privileges. This may be modified later via the REST API or SetTalk PerCL command.



Type: boolean
Default: true

If true, the Participant joins the Conference with listen privileges. This may be modified later via the REST API or SetListen PerCL command.



Type: boolean
Default: false

If true, Call control will be enabled for this Participant's Call leg.



Type: string
Default: null

Defines a sequence of digits that, when entered by this caller, invokes the callControlUrl. Only digits plus * and # may be used. Value is required only when allowCallControl is set to true.



Type: absolute URL
Default: null

URL to be invoked when this Participant enters the digit sequence defined in the callControlSequence attribute. Must return valid PerCL, otherwise the Call leg will be terminated. Value is required only when allowCallControl is set to true.

Any PerCL responses which will remove this Participant from the Conference (such as RemoveFromConference or Hangup) will invoke a callback to the leaveConferenceUrl. It also will invoke the Conference's statusCallbackUrl if the Conference becomes empty as a result of the Participant leaving.

Play, Say, Pause, GetDigits, GetSpeech, RecordUtterance, and SendDigits cannot be applied to call in conference. Play and Say commands can play audio to conference itself.



Type: absolute URL
Default: null

URL to be invoked when the Participant leaves the Conference via any of the following methods:

  • RemoveFromConference command
  • TerminateConference command
  • Conference Participant API DELETE request
  • Conference API POST request with status=empty
  • Conference API POST request with status=terminated
  • Participant hangs up

Control of the Call picks up using the PerCL returned in response to this URL, except when the URL is invoked due to the participant hanging up. PerCL returned in response to the leaveConferenceUrl when a Participant has hung up will be ignored, since there is no further action that can be taken on the Call.

When this URL is not specified, the Call being added to conference will be hung up upon termination of a Conference; not specifying this URL prevents the application from picking up control of the Call and in those cases, FreeClimb simply hangs up.

The request to the leaveConferenceUrl is submitted using an HTTP POST request and contains the standard request parameters. The callId parameter indicates the Call leg which has left the Conference. The conferenceId parameter indicates the Conference from which the leg was removed.



Type: absolute URL
Default: null

When the Participant enters the Conference, this URL will be invoked using an HTTP POST request with the standard request parameters. The conferenceId parameter indicates the Conference to which the Call was added. This is a notification only; any PerCL returned will be ignored.