
A Recording instance resource represents an audio file created by FreeClimb during a Call or Conference.

The Recording resource is a subresource of a Call resource and Conference resource. This enables navigating directly from a Call or Conference to the Recordings generated from them. Recordings are owned by an account and are stored for the account holder on FreeClimb until deleted.

There are two ways to begin a Recording:

  • When creating a Conference, set the record property to true. When the Conference ends, the request message to the statusCallbackUrl returns the recordingId other Recording resource properties.

  • Initiate a Recording at any time during a Call or Conference using the StartRecordCall or RecordUtterance PerCL commands.

Resource properties

accountIdstringID of the account that created this recording.
callIdstringID of the Call that was recorded. If a Conference was recorded, this value is empty and the conferenceId property is populated.
conferenceIdstringID of the Conference that was recorded. If a Call was recorded, this value is empty and the callId property is populated.
dateCreatedstringDate that this resource was created (GMT), in RFC 1123 format (e.g., Mon, 15 Jun 2009 20:45:30 GMT).
dateUpdatedstringDate that this resource was last updated (GMT), in RFC 1123 format (e.g., Mon, 15 Jun 2009 20:45:30 GMT).
durationSecstringLength of the recording in seconds.
recordingIdstringString that uniquely identifies this recording resource.
revisionstringRevision count for the resource. Set to 1 on creation and is incremented at every update.
deletedbooleanIf the recording file has been deleted from the platform. Only the Recording Metadata is persisted on the platform once this is true.
typestringenum ["private","protected"]
mimeTypestringThe Mime Type of the recording.
"audio/wav" is the most common.
downloadUrlstringURI to download this resource, relative to API base URL.
uristringURI for this resource, relative to API base URL.