
An SMS has been received by the platform and is being delivered to the smsUrl of the customer application that is associated with the destination number. A PerCL response will be ignored.

Request ParameterTypeDescription
requestTypestringValue will be messageDelivery - An SMS message has been received by the platform and is being delivered to the customer application associated with the destination number.
accountIdstringAccount ID associated with your account.
messageIdstringUnique ID for this message, generated by FreeClimb.
fromstringPhone number used to initiate the SMS message (in E.164 format).
tostringThe destination number of the SMS message (in E.164 format).
textstringBody of the SMS message.
directionstringValue will be inbound to indicate the receipt of a message into the FreeClimb platform.
applicationIdstringID of the application to which the destination number is assigned.
statusstringValue will be received to indicate that the platform has successfully received the incoming message.
phoneNumberIdstringID of the destination phone number.
uristringThe URI for this resource, relative to the API base URL