A Conference's status changed and its statusCallbackUrl
is being invoked. This is a notification only; any PerCL returned will be ignored.
Request Parameter | Type | Description |
requestType | string | The context or reason why this request is being made. Will be conferenceStatus - A Conference's status changed and its statusCallbackUrl is being invoked. |
callId | string | A unique identifier for this call, generated by FreeClimb. |
accountId | string | The Account ID associated with your account. |
from | string | The phone number of the party that initiated the call. Phone numbers are in the E.164 format. |
to | string | The phone number provisioned to you and to which this call is directed. Phone numbers are in the E.164 format. |
callStatus | string | A descriptive status for the call. The value is one of: • ringing - The call is currently ringing.• inProgress - The call was answered and is currently in progress (not queued, not in Conference).• completed - The call ended normally.• busy - The caller received a busy signal.• failed - The call could not be completed as dialed, most likely because the phone number was non-existent.• noAnswer - The call ended without being answered.• canceled - The call was canceled via the REST API while queued or ringing. |
direction | string | A string describing the direction of the call – inbound for inbound calls, outbound for calls initiated via the REST API or outboundDial for calls initiated by the OutDial command. |
conferenceId | string | ID of the Conference created. |
queueId | string | This is only populated if the request pertains to a Queue. Otherwise, it is set to null. |
status | string | The new status of the Conference. May be creating , empty , populated , inProgress , terminated , or internalError . Present only if statusCallbackUrl is being invoked. |
recordingUrl | string | The URL of the Conference’s recorded audio. Populated only if a Recording exists and the Conference was emptied. Present only if statusCallbackUrl is being invoked. |
recordingId | string | The unique ID of the Recording from this Conference. Populated only if a Recording exists and the Conference was emptied. Present only if statusCallbackUrl is being invoked. |
recordingDurationSec | integer | The duration of the recorded audio rounded up to the nearest second (in seconds). Populated only if a Recording exists and the Conference was emptied. Present only if statusCallbackUrl is being invoked. |