
An outbound call spawned by OutDial detected an answer by a machine (answering machine or fax/modem machine) and ifMachineUrl is being invoked. A PerCL response is expected.

Request ParameterTypeDescription
requestTypestringContext or reason why this request is being made. Will be machineDetected - An outbound call spawned by OutDial was answered by a machine and the ifMachineUrl is being invoked.
callIdstringUnique identifier for this Call, generated by FreeClimb.
accountIdstringAccount ID associated with your account.
fromstringPhone number of the party that initiated the Call (in E.164 format).
tostringPhone number provisioned to the customer and to which this Call is directed (in E.164 format).
callStatusstringA descriptive status for the Call. Valid values are:
ringing - Call is currently ringing.
inProgress - Call was answered and is currently in progress (not queued, not in conference).
completed - Call ended normally.
busy - Caller received a busy signal.
failed - Call could not be completed as dialed, most likely because the phone number was non-existent.
noAnswer - Call ended without being answered.
canceled - Call was canceled via the REST API while queued or ringing.
directionstringString describing the direction of the Call – inbound for inbound calls, outbound for Calls initiated via the REST API, or outboundDial for Calls initiated by the OutDial command.
conferenceIdstringThis is only populated if request pertains to a conference. Otherwise, it is set to null.
queueIdstringThis is only populated if the request pertains to a queue. Otherwise, it is set to null.
parentCallIdstringCall ID of the leg which initiated the OutDial.
machineTypestringEither answering machine or fax modem