
The RemoveFromConference command removes a Participant from a Conference but does not hang up. Instead, the Call is simply unbridged and what happens next with the Call is determined by the PerCL returned in response to the leaveConferenceUrl attribute:

  • If a leaveConferenceUrl was specified when adding the Call to the Conference, the Call remains available for other actions.
  • If no leaveConferenceUrl was specified, the Call is considered to have ended and is disconnected.


A Call can only request RemoveFromConference on itself. This attribute will soon be deprecated and there will be no additional attributes of the command. To remove other participants from a conference, the REST API can be used to do an HTTP DELETE on the Participant resource.

Nesting Rules

No actions can be nested within RemoveFromConference and RemoveFromConference cannot be nested in any other actions.


      "RemoveFromConference" : {

Command Attributes

RemoveFromConference supports the following attributes that modify its behavior:



Type: string
Default: null

ID of the Call leg to be removed from the Conference. It can only be itself.